
Seeking God

It seems like a lot of the time we get really wrapped in Christianity. We get wrapped up in church and friends and songs and praying and kind of forget about God along the way. We focus on not sinning and we focus on making it to church and we focus on reading our bibles every day and we forget to just focus on God. And it's hard. We can read our bibles and talk to our friends and sit in church and sing songs, but we can't really do something tangible to God. God is big and mysterious and universal and majestic. And even though He is Love and intimate and compassionate, He can't hug us and we can't hold His hand. He is living but invisible, He is in us but also uncontainable. He really is Indescribable. We don't have good enough or even enough words to begin to describe Him. And that makes it hard to seek His face.

Psalm 27:8 - When You said, "Seek My face," my heart said to You, "Your face, O Lord, I shall seek."

How did David do that? How did he seek God's face? And how did his heart truly say that to God? I sometimes feel like there's this secret to seeking God. That there's something missing on the pages of my bible, or something I don't hear at church, or something that's being kept a secret from me. I hear people talk about "seeking God", but I don't know how to do that myself. I pray and I read and I talk to people about it, but it doesn't feel like I have some special way or something to really seek God or His will or His face. It just feels like I'm reading about Him and praying to Him and talking about Him. Is that all there is?

I started talking with Joy about it, well she started talking to me about it really, and I still think it's confusing, but a little more clear. There is a difference between serving God and seeking His face. Both are necessary, but different. We should be serving and encouraging and going to church and praying about things and etc. But we should also be seeking God's face and waiting on the Lord. We should be taking time to read His word just to know Him better, and pray just to become better acquainted with His character, and talk about Him just because He's awesome.

Psalm 27:14 - Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord.

It's still confusing and I don't quite get it all. But just seeking God and His face and His attributes and everything He is, it's amazing. And it just keeps getting better as I see Him a little better. He is truly Awesome.


  1. I know what you mean about getting wrapped up in Christianity. Like you said, sometimes it seems like we're focusing on the things to serve God rather than just plain focusing on God. And it's an interesting subject that you brought up- the difference between serving God and seeking His face. I think David did understand this difference, at least as much as a human can. But I think I have an idea. Solitude. David had a bit of an advantage over most people (especially in this society and time) in this area, but I don't think it's an impossibility for us. I think it's good for us to just drop everything and sit in solitude and try our very best to focus on God alone, forget everything and only think of Him, and talk to Him. I wish I did this more often. It's something that I've always wanted to get into the habbit of doing, but never really have. I'm going to have to though. But I believe that it is the only way to really seek God's face. God has a powerful voice and speaks the only truth in this world, but we drown Him out so easily with our distractions. Even with our Bibles, even if we read God's Word every single day, we're still missing something because we're not listening. I think it takes courage and strength to be able to set aside everything and a pure focus on God alone, and God's timing is much different than our own which is why we need patience, perserverance, and peace when listening for Him. Anyway, I don't think this is exactly the key to seeking God's face, but definitely a good thing to do and sometimes the only way to hear Him.

  2. Encouraging post, Arch!

  3. I agree with Weston. The best relationships are one on one. And when you're doing nothing else is when you have the best conversations. He lets us have good relationships in life to parallel the same types of things that will help us gain intimacy with Him (gain through receiving). And to just keep desiring. He will give you that.
