

Countless songs, books, movies, etc. focus on love. A lot of them even have love in their names. P.S. I love you, The Beatle's "Love", Lovedrug, just to name a few titles with "love" in them.

People use the word "love" in a number of different ways. We say we love our family and friends, we say we love the meal we just ate, we say we love the color of the new shirt we just bought. Husbands and wives say they love each other. All the same word, but most would agree that most of those are on different levels and mean different, although similar, things.

So what is love? Since that's a question philosophers, theologians, psychologists, and people in general have been trying to answer for centuries, I don't claim to have na exact answer. But I do think there are things that love is indefinitely characterized by.

From life we see love in relationships. We see selflessness of couples. We see sacrifice of mothers and fathers. We see obsession. People love a lot of things in a lot of ways.

From God we see love. God is love (1 John 4:8+16). He first loved us (1 John 4:19). God is a God of love (2 Corinthians 13:11). He is abounding in love (Exodus 34:6). He chose us in love (Ephesians 1:4-5).

We should live in love. Serve each other in love (Galatians 5:13) Love our enemies (Luke 6:27). Do everything in love (1 Corinthians 16:14).

So how do we love? And why is it so hard for us? How can we love more? What are your thoughts on love?


  1. Love is something we all struggle with so much and I think it's because God's love is a selfless love and a love that is always willing to forgive. But as humans we have such a hard time looking past peoples faults, and its hard. and the bible talks about so many different kinds of love to. but love is the key thing that really shows people who God really is and how real he is.

    I mean God so lvoed the world htat he gave is only Son. and if that's not love i don't know what is!

  2. Arch, you know I read all your blogs, even if you don't know it. I just don't always comment.

    I like this post though. It reminds me of the end of Mike's lesson on Wednesday (which was a concluding statement that I really needed to hear said!) where he talked about love for those in habitual sin.

  3. Yes. This was actually inspired by the end of that lesson. It got me really thinking about love.

  4. I like your poll; as of now nobody voted for "opening presents." I'm glad to be surrounded by such good people haha

    And if I haven't said so already, I commend you and your blog.
