
First "Real" Post

Now that this thing is pretty much set up, there are a few new and interesting features to tell you guys about.

On the right of the blog you'll find:
- A Bible Verse (subject to change weekly/monthly/over time)
- A little something about myself
- Our first weekly poll question (please feel free to answer)
- Recommended reading (books and blogs)

And at the bottom there's an archive so in the future you can always find previous blogs by date and title.

Now that that's out of the way, here it goes for the first thought-provoking and hopefully enjoyable entry on the blog:

Colossians 3:1 - Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.

Here it is Christians, a call to mental action. a call to set our minds on the "things above". To be focused on Christ and the things where He is. This verse has been a lot more personal than ever before in the past few months. This verse implies not only that we think about heavenly things, but that we continual seek those things, that we set and fix our mind on things above, and above all else. And to be honest, this is one of the most amazing, challenging, and beneficial experiences all at once. It's hard for me to think consciously 100% of the time, let alone be focused on good and excellent things all the time. It's also hard to find things to think on all the time when our knowledge of God is so limited and the time we spend in the word is so small relative to our time doing other things. It's hard to focus on things above when we have to focus on work and school and friends and family and food and the list goes on. It's hard to really focus on God and what He considers worthy to focus on. But it's so worth it when we make time to think about those things. It's so worth it to have peace and joy in our lives and minds. It's so worth it to be growing all the time. It's so worth it to glorify God even in the confines of our own minds. Setting our minds on what is above with Christ is not just something for "mature" or "older" Christians. It is essential for growth, enhancing to all other areas of thought, and amazingly joyful in its result.

Memorizing verses is one way that this has impacted me lately. Also, having an attitude like Christ's at work and school. It is possible to enjoy your job, and to enjoy it consistently.

As fellow believers, I would love to share and hear about all the ways, all the benefits, all the joy that comes from focusing on the things above. Comment away, tell me your thoughts, tell me how this is in your life, tell me ways to do this better, ways it's helped you, anything. This isn't a place for me to give a sermon or advertise my opinions. This is a place for all of us to engage in real, deep thought and conversation. To encourage one another. To be open. And hopefully to fuel our face-to-face interaction and fellowship with one another.


  1. I'm glad to hear that you've been memorizing verses! I find memorization and meditation to be key in our relationship with God. Through these we fill our hearts and minds with the Word.

    "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." -Col. 3:16

    And although Joshua 1:8 has been nearly corrupted by the Prosperity Gospel, it also has something to say over focusing on things above and dwelling in the Word.

    Nice site Arch! I may have to copy you on the idea of getting a new blog...

  2. Set your HEARTS on things above.

    That means your affections. So your happiness should come from what makes God happy, and your sorrow likewise. To give your very core up to Heaven.. that's drastic! Totally out of your reach when it's all up there, in His hands, being formed beautifully back into the image of God. And to be excited about that because God is. And to feel the pain of spiritual warfare, and the joy of victory.

    And I think it points out that He is seated, because it's over, and we can rest in that, and He's in control, and that He's at the right hand, because God's pleasure and honor is in His Son (.. Himself.. and the Son's is in His Father's. Always elsewhere.) and so should our pleasure be, in HIS majesty and control and placement. Above all else.

  3. Yes!
    Exactly like this!
    Input, excitement, encouragement, love, everything I want this to be about, and from what I can tell, all things that God wants us to be about.
    Muchas Gracias!

  4. I have definitely realized that lately, having a positive attitude toward things like school, and work, can really make life way more enjoyable. I think that is one of the biggest things that I need to focus on more. We really need to enjoy this life that God has given us, here on this world. I know we are not supposed to be of this world, and only in it, but while we are in it, we need to stay positive and be witnesses for Christ.

    "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created" James 1:17&18

    I just think that we all need to work together as the body of Christ, and keep praying for each other that we will keep our hearts set on things above :)
