
The Mud, The Ropes

I was reading in Jeremiah 38 tonight, and I really feel like what I read was some sort of divine intervention.

6: Then they took Jeremiah and cast him into the cistern of Malchijah the king's son, which was in the court of the guardhouse; and they let Jeremiah down with ropes. Now in the cistern there was no water but only mud, and Jeremiah sank into the mud.

This past weekend has seemed to be full of "mud" for me. That is, it hasn't been entirely full of dirt and filth, but it also hasn't been full of pure water. It's been more of a mixture. And even though pure water, on its own, is clear and cool and satisfying and life-giving, mixed with dirt it becomes mud. And even though mud contains that cool, refreshing water, it is still a mess. And almost always, mud is even more of a mess than plain, old dirt. And that has been my weekend. Not totally good, not totally bad, just a messy mixture of the two. I've been stuck between good and bad, purity and corruption, light and dark. And even though I've had recent times of worship and love, they've been tainted by the times of sin and despair. the pure water of fellowship has been mixed with the filthiness of sin and has created a mudpit in me. And just like the cistern that the prophet Jeremiah had fallen into, the cistern I've been in contains no water, but only mud. Because even though water is part of the mixture of mud, it is not part of the result. And even though, like I said, there's been a mixture of things going on in my life, there's only been one result. In the end, there is only mud. Even the purest, clearest, best streams of water become nothing less than a pit of mud when you throw in a pile of dirt. And another thing about the mud is that you sink. Like quick sand, any attempt to escape the mud just causes you to sink down deeper. And all of my vain attempts to escape the mud have proven to be just as useless. Just like Jeremiah sank hopelessly into the cistern, alone I sink hopelessly into my own mess. But thanks, infinite thanks, be to God our Father who loves us and cares for us. Because even in our helpless state, all hope is not lost.

13: So they pulled Jeremiah up with the ropes and lifted him out of the cistern, and Jeremiah stayed in the court of the guardhouse.

Jeremiah was lifted from the pit. Saved by the efforts of good men, he was lifted and restored to the solid ground. And that same hope exists for me today. I am surrounded by cords of hope. Whether it be the word of a friend, the prayers of fellow believers, the Word of Truth, or any other sort of divine intervention, there is hope! Just like the men that pulled Jeremiah from the cistern, there are people in my life who are willing to pull me from my mud. Thank the Lord for the believers at my church, for the people who pray for me, for christian friends at school, for my amazing girlfriend, for my access to God's perfect word, for the ropes I have to hold on to. So instead of wallowing in the mud that I've been stuck in, I'm going to embrace the ropes around me and trust in God to pull me through and lift me higher. I have a wonderful hope and a wonderful God to cling to and to trust in. And He is able to turn my desperation to joy, my tears to laughter, and my mud into pure water. He has been faithful, so faithful, and He will ever be.



I think I made it easier to comment, I know some of you told me you were having trouble. I made it so if you click on the title of the post you want to comment on, it should open up just that post with a comment box beneath it. Hopefully that works for everyone. So feel free to comment away.

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It's always amazing to me that I could ever leave the fold of God. I am loved and accepted by the most holy and perfect God. And I love that, and I love Him back so much. And I find sincere and overwhelming joy when I'm lost in Him. He totally covers all of my imperfections with His grace, and at times He removes all my doubting. There are moments, and sometimes even whole days, where I let myself let go of pretty much everything else and just embrace His love, grace, mercy, everything He offers. And I can say that days like that, or even near that, are the best days of my life. There is no question. There is no joy, no peace, no hope, nothing better than what Our Lord provides. And still, despite all that He is and all that He does, I somehow choose to seek other things. But instead of dwelling on my own stupidity and wandering, I want to share something more exciting: returning to Him. It is so amazing to return to the arms of God after wandering alone in the cold world. So comforting to become reacquainted with the wondrous love that He shares. There really is no rest outside of Him, no peace, no joy, no hope outside of Him. And being able to return to a God who loves unconditionally is so amazing. To be able to return and experience His love as if I'd never left in the first place. What amazing grace this is, the love of God. And there is no power on earth or in heaven or under the earth that can fully separate me from it. Whether it be temptation or trials or the world or myself, there is nothing that can keep His Love from me. Even though I leave Him for no reason, He still loves me for no reason. At least no reason that I can think of, except for the fact that He is Love.

Jeremiah 2:5
This is what the LORD says:
"What fault did your fathers find in me,
that they strayed so far from me?"


Some [radical-but-not-really-radical] Ideas

Things to START doing:
- Praying with others much more often
- Talking about God with people much more often, whether they're Christians or not
- Spending more time acticvely serving God and others
- Truly believing that God is all-mighty and powerful
- Surrendering in all ways to God

Things to STOP doing:
- Spending so much time and money on looks, clothes, hair, etc.
- Spending so much money on self-entertainment
- Serving self way more often than serving God or others
- Ignoring the opportunities God lays out
- Holding back from living new life

All reasonable-and-not-that-radical things when you think about it as a true child of God. Hopefully there are more people out there who are ready and willing to start living out faith more fully and wholly. I'm definitely still staying at the edge and dipping my feet in right now, but I'm ready to go in all the way. And all of these things can be done here, now, in the lives we have. We don't have to get up and move to another country, we don't have to sell everything we have, we don't have to change everything we do, just the way we do it. We can give up our own selfish goals, habits, fears and gain a new life full of new pursuits, actions, and hope. Let's get these weights that we've grown so accustomed to off of our chests and let our hearts beat at full strength for our Savior and Lord.