
Pros and Cons

Proverbs 14:4 - Where no oxen are, the manger is clean, but much revenue comes by the strength of the ox.

I almost skipped right over this verse, thinking it had to be some cultural thing, or just something that was for people with farms or animals or something. And yes, owning and using oxen is definitely cultural, seeing as nobody I know uses oxen to plow their fields or carry their loads, but it's still a clear example. With oxen come good things and bad things.

It made me think of the Christian life. With being a Christian comes good and bad. But like the oxen, much more good comes than bad. I'll start with the bad though, to clarify just what kind of bad I'm talking about with Christianity.

More responsibility can be a negative of the Christian life. It is worth it to be disciplined and focused, but that also takes more work. Christians have to be constantly on the watch for sin in their lives, constantly considering whether what they're doing is pleasing God or not. Instead of waking up and thinking about what they're going to eat and what they need to accomplish, christians wake up and think an entirely different set of thoughts. What sins have they left unconfessed, what brethren could use comfort and encouragement, what ways can they best use their time for God, what can they do to become more like Christ every day. The Christian has a much more driven and meaningful set of responsibilities than that of any unsaved person. That is easily considered a con by many at times.

Another downside, realizing sin for what it is. Christian eyes have been opened to the filthiness and wickedness that is sin. They know just how much sin hurts and disgusts the infinite God. They are hurt doubly and feel their guilt multiplied with every transgression they commit. And on top of that, their hearts are grieved deeply by the abundant sins of the world. The weight of sin, although lightened by God's grace, weighs heavy on the flesh hearts of those who believe.

But, the goodness and benefits of Christian life certainly outweigh any downside or burdens it brings. That responsibility that can at times be cumbersome is certainly offset by the power of Spirit that dwells in the hearts of believers. And the deep sorrow of sin is certainly overshadowed by the amazing grace of the cross of Christ. And not only do the negatives have corresponding and offsetting positives, but much more exists in the goodness of Christianity. Christ gives new, restored life to all who believe, there is the promise and hope of life in heaven, the love and support of the Church, the joy of knowing God and praising His name, experiencing the Love of a Savior and Lord who is God.

So the believer must look beyond the little mess that has been made in his manger, and look to the wonderful benefits provided by the God who is stronger and more profitable than any number of oxen. Though the Christian standard of living requires some labor, Christ's yoke is light and His love is wonderful. The work that it takes to please God and to get closer to Him is so worth it. We can rejoice as we do the work of the Lord, knowing that the pros certainly outweigh the cons. God is good, and overwhelmingly so.